Instead of trying to recall exactly what I've been grateful for over the last couple of days, I wanted to take a different tack.
Today, I got an e-mail from a newsletter I subscribe to. The person who runs this website is doing a drawing for a free copy of her guide, if we would simply post what we were grateful for! SWEET, considering I've been pondering the subject for a few weeks, right? And honestly.... I'm so grateful for so much that I hardly know where to start!
I am grateful for opening my eyes each day and drawing breath, for having all my senses intact, for the gift of motion and ability to get from bed to bathroom to kitchen. I am grateful for having the capacity to care for myself each morning and prepare to face the day. I am very grateful for a job to go to each morning, and for work that helps my company. Admittedly, there are times I wish my job involved more hands-on actual HELPING people live and do their best.... but I also realize that if I do my job correctly and if I work to minimize costs and maximize value, I'm doing my part to keep people employed (at least as much as I can do) -- very much needed in this economy.
I'm grateful for a vehicle in good working condition (especially since 90 minutes of my day are spent in it!). I'm grateful for a family who loves me in spite of my failings, my mood swings, my eccentricities....... I'm grateful for friends who love me for me, for all my quirks.
There's so much more to be grateful and thankful for..... if we just stop and think deeply enough about it. Life itself is such a blessing and gift. Why should we be ungrateful???
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