Just really, really busy lately. I told one of my friends at church today that I was almost a little scared to actually sit down long enough at Mass to listen, because I might just fall asleep. But I didn't, so thank goodness for that! Snoring would have been embarrassing. (HA!)
There's still the ongoing medical stuff .... Mom is feeling a little better, having lost about 15 pounds of just fluid. I'm still going to make her see a geriatrician. And I'm still trying to find an internal medicine/endocrinologist who's willing to see me. I cannot explain it other than a hunch, but I don't think I've found all the answers. It might not be my thyroid, but you can't tell me some hormonal imbalance somewhere isn't at work. Example: it was air temp 95 on Thursday (who knows what for the heat index... around 110?), and I was sitting in my office wearing a cardigan and with a wrap thrown over my legs. I went outside to get warm. It felt fantastic to walk out into the oven that was the parking lot. Now, granted, our part of the office is always the coldest... but everyone else in our area was fine. This inability to enjoy cool air in this sort of heat wave concerns me greatly. It is not normal.
And right now while the doctors don't have answers for me, I'm glad I have friends who support me and agree with me that this is not normal. So I feel much love and gratitude for them!!!